Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Gadgets, a broken toy, a street boy,a blind woman and her stick and Me

I said goodbye to my 13th month pay money today to pay off some of my credit card debts. Now I wont be able to get the gadgets that I want for myself but I still want them so I head to a mall to check another brand that might fit my budget.

Right now, its passed 12 midnight and the mushroom soup I order at KFC is no longer hot but I have to right these thoughts before I forget them altogether.

In my mind, I keep complaining that I wont be able to have all the shiny gadgets Ive been dreaming for several months. Its hard to take the gadget that you don't really want at the first place. I found one that wont make me broke if I purchase it but in my mind, I wont satisfy myself. I decided to think first and compare. I can have them any day I want. I just have to convince myself if a cheaper one that has all the specs I want could make me happy. I get out of the mall. There's always tomorrow.

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